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Cookie Policy

If the website tracks users' personal information through the use of cookies or similar technologies, for example, this use must be clearly communicated to site visitors. It must be clear which tracking tools (e.g. cookies, flash cookies, web beacons, etc.) the website uses, what personal information is collected, and why.

È importante sottolineare che servizi di terze parti, quali Google Analytics o altre applicazioni offerte tramite Wix che utilizzano i cookie o altre tecnologie di monitoraggio attraverso i servizi di Wix, potrebbero adottare politiche diverse per le modalità di raccolta e conservazione dei dati. Trattandosi di servizi esterni, tali prassi non sono soggette all’Informativa sulla privacy di Wix.

For more information about cookies on your Wix site, please see this support article .

The explanations, information and examples provided here are general in nature. This article does not constitute legal advice or a recommendation as to what actions you should take. For complete information and assistance in creating your own cookie policy, we recommend that you seek legal advice.

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